User Support Information

General support to the open-source UNL-VRTM software is handled by our development team, including code update, release, and maintainance. Information on installing and running UNL-VRTM can be found from the User's Guide. Please report us any running issue. We will update the software for reported bugs.

Our team also provides technical supports to users, such as help installing the program, help using UNL-VRTM in an efficient manner for user's project, and developing specific extensions of code for user's project necessities. This level of support will be conducted through support contract. Please contact us for details on customer support and technical support.

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Meet Our Support Team

Dr. Xiaoguang Xu (Richard)

University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore, Maryland
xxu [at] umbc [dot] edu

Dr. Jun Wang

The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
jun-wang-1 [at] uiowa [dot] edu

Dr. Yi Wang

China University of Geosciences
Wuhan, China
wangyi34 [at] cug [dot] edu [dot] cn

Dr. Zhixin (May) Xue

The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
zhixin-xue [at] uiowa [dot] edu